Do you do
commission art? |
Yes I do! To see
samples of my work go here! |
Why does your
website look different on my phone and tablet? |
My website is not
yet capable of resizing for different devices. That is an issue
that is currently being addressed. |
What is a wrapped canvas? |
A wrapped canvas is a print that's
wrapped around a wooden frame, usually with the image extending
around the edges. The canvas is folded tightly around the frame,
so any staples or fasteners used to secure it are hidden,
creating a clean, modern look. |
Do you accept
online payments? |
Yes! You can
successfully complete a payment by clicking on the
QR code below.
Can I purchase
the gallery art? |
I am in the
process of building an e-commerce area to make it cost effective
and user friendly. Thank you for your continued patience as I
build something that will be the best option for those wanting
to purchase my pieces. |